Chasing Rainbows at Kid’s-groove-··-Stoke-on-Trent

Chasing Rainbows at the Church in the village of Church Lawton, Talke/ Kidsgrove Stoke-on-Trent in the Northwest English village on the north Staffordshire and Southeast Cheshire county borderline.

Chasing Rainbows at the Church in the village of Church Lawton, Talke/ Kidsgrove Stoke-on-Trent in the Northwest English village on the north Staffordshire and Southeast Cheshire county borderline.

Sally Cinnamon lyrics 

Until Sally I was never happy
I needed so much more
Rain clouds oh they used to chase me
Down they would pour
Join my tears
Allay my fears ..,

Stone Roses
(Brown/ Squire Manchester, England UK:-1986).

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